
时间:2023-12-05 21:19来源:天津大学赵力课题组
  11月25日至27日,在2023年首届世界能源材料大会暨国际能源材料展览会上,国家光热联盟理事单位——天津大学赵力课题组硕士研究生李世展、张欣懿在会上就热电材料增效优化中热力学与材料科学的交叉问题,围绕热电材料温差发电循环构建、热力学空间内本征物性关联机制、基于层间扭转的二维热电材料增效优化三个方面做了题为《Perspective of thermodynamic cycle applied in thermoelectric power generation》的口头报告,与领域同行进行了深入学术探讨。报告完成后,得到了专业内外各评委、专家的认可,并被首届世界能源材料大会评审推荐为优秀学术报告。
  Thermoelectric materials for power generation provides a new technique approach for efficient utilization of low and medium grade energy. However, existing researches mainly focus on material screening. Reflections in the aspect of the energy conversion mechanism and thermodynamic cycle are lack, which makes the improvement of energy conversion efficiency encounter a bottleneck. In this work, (1) The thermodynamic basis of energy conversion in thermoelectric materials is consolidated, the thermodynamic cycle is of thermoelectric power generation is proposed. (2) Thermodynamic basis on physical properties, including Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity is explored, and these properties are introduced into the thermodynamic cycle, connecting thermodynamics with material science. (3) SnSe-based materials were selected as an example, and the performance was optimized via interlayer twist angle. The effectiveness of the proposed thermodynamic approach was discussed.
  图/文:李世展 张欣懿


